Merry mount



Disc 1:

  1. Act 1. Prelude
  2. Act 1. Be as a lion, dread Jehovah… From plots of Hell and witcheries
  3. Act 1. Ah – I deny thy Christ
  4. Act 1. A savoury discourse, good Master Bradford
  5. Act 1. Last night came One that paced a-down the stairway of the sky
  6. Act 1. My son, Thou’rt over-ripe for marriage!
  7. Act 1. The willow keep to thatch our sleep
  8. Act 1. Plentiful Tewke hath catched the preacher!
  9. Act 1. Gi’ you good night, sir…
  10. Act 1. Scratch a Roundhead, find a rebel…Thrones of Earth be idle things
  11. Act 1. Right rev’rend priest, our holy joy… Respect the Sabbath day
  12. Act 1. Marigold! Lady!… Let us be lions of Jehovah

Disc 2:

  1. Act 2. Scene 1. Prelude – I wind and I wind, My true love to find
  2. Act 2. Scene 1. From forth the hill… I christen ‘Merry Mount’ – Maypole Dance
  3. Act 2. Scene 1. Long Live the Lady
  4. Act 2. Scene 1. Marigold! When the morning stars together sang
  5. Act 2. Scene 1. Methinks I see th’infernal rendezvous of Satan and his bond-slaves
  6. Act 2. Scene 2. O pity me! Thou alone of women Canst heal this tortured heart
  7. Act 2. Scene 2. Let them strike twice, And I will come to thee!
  8. Act 2. Scene 2. Hale her to the village, A prisoner…
  9. Act 2. Scene 2. Almight Father, My King and my God
  10. Act 2. Scene 2. Chorus of Mystic Voices
  11. Act 2. Scene 3. Alleluia! Alleluia!
  12. Act 2. Scene 3. Now thou art mine
  13. Act 2. Scene 3. Rise up, my love my fair one
  14. Act 3. Scene 1. Prelude
  15. Act 3. Scene 2. Gird you with Sackcloth
  16. Act 3. Scene 2. Never more shall prayer ravish these lips!…
  17. Act 3. Scene 2. No witch am I; But one that long ago was happy
  18. Act 3. Scene 2. Ay, even now thy lover frets at Hellgate – Death to the Witch